Re-Entry Illinois- Searchable database of re-entry resources spanning housing, childcare, legal aid, employment and more
2022 Re-Entry Resource Guide.pdf- Downloadable PDF guide with holistic resources for post-incarceration life
PBMR- Accompanying Juveniles and Adults through Incarceration & Re-Entry
Transforming Reentry Services- TRS works to create an equitable future for reentry communities, and includes a searchable online database of resources. Founded and incorporated by Black women and incarcerated individuals, we combine services, advocacy, and research to fill in the gaps in the system, restore families, and build economic and political power
Chicago Community Jail Support- Volunteers staff on-the-ground support shifts from 5-10 or 11pm, seven days a week. In addition to providing free phone calls, ride coordination, and material resources (such as safe sex kits, hygiene kits, cigarettes, PPE, snacks, and warm clothing) a remote emergency housing coordinator can also help released people pay for a hotel room or find other shelter.
Coalition to End Money Bond- In addition to ending the obvious unfairness of allowing access to money to determine who is incarcerated and who is free pending trial, the Coalition is committed to reducing the overall number of people in Cook County Jail and under pretrial supervision as part of a larger fight against mass incarceration.
Chicago Votes- CCJ is one of the largest single-site county pre-detention facilities in the United States, admitting approximately 100,000 people annually and averaging a daily population of 6,000 people. While over 90% of those incarcerated in this facility have the right to vote, many of them do not know they are eligible to vote and are missing out on their opportunity to participate.
The Chicago Torture Justice Center- The Chicago Torture Justice Center was born out of reparations for survivors of police torture. We offer clinical healing services to meet survivors where they are and work in community to organize for new systems.
Coalition to Decarcerate IL- The Coalition to Decarcerate IL is a group of loved ones of the incarcerated, currently and formerly incarcerated individuals, activists, and creatives working towards abolition and fighting for the rights and dignity of currently incarcerated individuals and their loved ones.